A New ΘΧ House at WIU?
Thirty-four brothers were initiated at the Re-Installation Ceremony on October 25. At the November 6 board meeting, a house for the chapter was discussed. A lively session ensued. The board agreed that housing will not start with a large house like our last one on Wigwam Hollow. That is something to be worked up to. Here is our basic plan.
- Step 1: Our reestablished chapter needs time to prove itself and show some legs. That should take a year or so.
- Step 2: A small group of brothers could live together in a rental. For example, the chapter officers might rent and share housing.
- Step 3: A house might be rented, one able to hold a dozen or so brothers.
- Step 4: A permanent house could be purchased with help from our ΘΧ alumni organization.
ΘΧ Alumni Weekend at WIU
Board President Dennis O'Connell announced that an alumni weekend is being planned for late May or April of this year. He said the active chapter brothers are enthusiastic about the event.Why not visit WIU, see old friends, and meet your new brothers? Details to follow.