Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Board Meeting August 5 2018

2017-2018 Officers:  President: Connor Bostedt ’16; Vice-President: Vic Caricato ’78 Secretary: Orin Rehorst ‘73 Treasurer: Chuck Hvala ‘73

2017-2018 Board:   Connor Bostedt ’16 Vic Caricato ’78; Chuck Hvala ’73; Ed Kelly ’72; Bill Kotzum ’69; Randy Moore ‘13, Dennis O’Connell ’78, Orin Rehorst ‘73 Tom Stern
’72, and Jake Winters ‘15.

Alumni Present:   John Bokum '72, Connor Bostedt ’16; Ralph Hinkle ’70, Chuck Hvala ’73; Orin Rehorst ’73; Bob Schumaker '74, Tom Stern ’72; Jacob Winters ’15
      Via Teleconference: Terry Austin '69, Vic Caricato ’78

Active Members Present: Cole Harris, active chapter president


Alumni Board President Connor Bostedt opened the meeting at 1 PM August 5, 2018

Active Chapter Report
Cole Harris, active chapter president
·        The chapter had the highest GPA of all IFC fraternities last semester.
·        Our brother Antonio Madrigal, serving as IFC president, is stepping down at the end of the year.
·        Cole seeks to strengthen the chapters “brotherhood.”
·        Cole plans to develop a “new member agreement.” It was agreed that part of the agreement should be to live in the house for one year.
Scholarship report
Vic Caricato

Vic said he would like to see the scholarship program continued. It may be for lesser amounts, but continuing the program provides two benefits. First, we can continue to use scholarships as a draw in recruiting new members. Second, we will keep our scholarship account active with the University.
The decision on scholarship amounts will be decided at the next meeting in Nov.
Finance Report
Chuck Hvala

·       After making the down payment for the house, we still have a healthy balance on hand. We also have money set aside at a Macomb bank to cover the work to restore 1580 Riverview to a fraternity house.
·       Chuck recommends we look at using QuickBooks in the cloud for our financials. The active chapter could also use it to manage their finances. It would be a good learning experience for active chapter leaders. Chuck will check on the expense of doing this.
·       Chuck mentioned that our accounts are with Citizens Bank. He said that the active chapter Treasurer Zack and complained about citizens customer service. Chuck brought this complaint to Citizens attention.
·       Chuck talked about Bill Kotzum. Is he still on the board? Plan had been for Bill to peel off as Chuck learn the ropes of being treasurer.

Cole said that dues for the actives are $800 in the fall and $300 in the spring. We discussed house dues for brothers who do not live in the house.

The amount of the house dues are to be worked out by Cole, Connor, and Chuck
A motion was made and approved to create a fundraising committee.
·       The following brothers will be contacted for interest in chairing the committee. Dennis, John Slater, Tim Garrity, Dave Hodnic, and Chuck Follett.
·       The following attendees volunteered for the committee. Vic Caricato, Ralph Hinkle, Jake Winters, and John Bokum.
·       It was agreed that improving the accuracy of the roster is an important part of the fundraising effort. Tom Stern will work on that.
A Fundraising Committee was created.
Charity giving
It was mentioned that Brother Mac McFadden's wife had died of cancer. He is raising money for National ovarian cancer coalition. We decided to table any decision to donate until our next meeting in November.
Public relations
There is a full-page piece on Ken Caldwell in the current Rattle. Ken is a senior VP at Disney. Vic recommended we highlight successful alumni like Ken when recruiting.
New house report
We closed on the new house and are owners. The address is 1580 Riverview, Macomb Illinois.

Room cost has been set at $475 per month plus the brothers portion of electricity for the room.

Terry Austin’s Report

·        Terry mentioned that 7 units are rented. One tenant asked to stay an additional 3 months. He pays $550 per month. Terry said okay.
·        Terry inspected the house after closing and found it to be in the same good shape.
·        Terry talked about a meeting at the house in preparation for a promotional gathering for the active chapter. We would like this gathering to be held as soon as practical in the semester which starts this month.
·        Terry will check the inventory of equipment, for example fire extinguishers. He will work on replacing equipment as necessary.
·        Chuck mentioned that a smoke detector is needed in the room where the electrical panel is located. He also mentioned fire inspection details and the possible need to use a contractor for that function.

A meeting with actives at the house will be held early in the semester. The semester starts this month. The purpose will be to educate the actives on the value a house brings to them.
House Liaisons
The board decided to create positions called House Liaison. The purpose would be to work with the active chapter on utilizing and managing the house.
Bob Schumaker and Jake Winters will be the House Liaisons. Terry will be a backup.

·        Brother and attorney Bob Leoni provided a draft house lease for brothers moving in.
·        Bob says board members have protection from liability. It’s provided by the non-profit entity and house insurance.

National Convention Report
Cole reported that he learned a lot at the National Convention.

John Bokum also attended the national. He reported the following:  

·       Theta Chi had 3400 initiatives, a record level.
·       The national is promoting alumni to mentor active chapters.
·       The national bylaws say active scan be required to live in the house.
·       National says "frats" get a bad rap Nationwide, so the national recommends brothers, "Think before you do."
·       The national reminded us that they do have attorneys available to assist us.
·       There is a national no-hazing rule.

There is also a national scholarship program. Brothers applied directly to The National.

There is also fundraising assistance that the national provides.

Next Meeting
November 4, 2018 at noon. Tom Stern offered to host at his home. Ralph Hinkle said he will see if the Milton Township facility is available.

End of Minutes
Meeting adjourned 2:45 PM