Saturday, January 26, 2019

Theta Chi Legacy

Help Open Our New House. This is an epic moment in the rechartering and rebirth of your
fraternity, Your support is needed to make the house opening this August successful.

Help Keep Our Legacy of Brotherhood Vibrant. We benefited from the legacy created by
our founding fathers. Now it’s time to recognize and pass forward those values that brought us
together. Help us continue the legacy we created and nurtured beginning in the 60’s.

We are back and back strong! We now are realizing the dream that we would rise from the
ashes. We recolonized in 2014 and purchased this house last year. Help our 43 actives carry
on the legacy. Please join us, your Alumni Board and Capital Fund Campaign Committee,
by making a generous donation. Your donation will support these needs.

  • Purchase of furniture for the chapter room and apartments for 22 brothers
  • Support of the remodeling phase of the new house this Spring and Summer
  • Replenish of our general fund to support our Theta Chi Zeta Psi Scholarship Program

Beginning in February you will be contacted by one of your alumni brothers to accept the
challenge to support our legacy. Be prepared to step up to the plate and make a commitment
to our Future.


John Bokum ‘72, Jon Slater ‘70, Ralph Hinkle ‘70, Vic Caricato ‘78, and Dennis O’Connell ‘78
Your Capital Fund Campaign Committee

To make a contribution now, please mail a check to Chuck Hvala,
5460 Chapel Hill Gurnee, IL 60031.
Write the check to Theta Chi Zeta Psi. Thank you!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Board Meeting January 13, 2019

2017-2018 Officers:  President: Connor Bostedt ’16; Vice-President: Vic Caricato ’78 Secretary: Orin Rehorst ‘73 Treasurer: Chuck Hvala ‘73

2017-2018 Board:   Connor Bostedt ’16 Vic Caricato ’78; Chuck Hvala ’73; Ed Kelly ’72; Randy Moore ‘13, Dennis O’Connell ’78, Orin Rehorst ‘73 Tom Stern ’72, and Jake Winters ‘15.

Alumni Present:   Connor Bostedt ’16; Vic Caricato ’78, John Bokum '72, Ed Kelly ’72, Chuck Hvala ’73; Orin Rehorst ’73; Tom Stern ’72; Terry Austin '69, Ralph Hinkle ‘70
Active Members Present: Jake Batusich, Ryan Green via teleconference

Special thanks to brother Tom Stern and his wife Micki for hosting the meeting.


Alumni Board President Connor Bostedt opened the meeting at 12 PM November 11, 2018

The minutes of the November 11 2018 board meeting were read and approved.
Active Chapter Report
Ryan Green, active chapter president

Ryan said that we have nine initiates activated this semester for a total of 46 brothers.

Our next alumni board meeting is to be held in Macomb.

Ryan, Jake Batusich and Connor will work on a good date for the next board meeting, to be scheduled for this April.
Scholarship report
Vic Caricato
Vic reported that WIU has changed the scholarship procedures. All scholarships for the year must be submitted once. Previously, submissions were twice, one time per semester. 
A motion passed to use our current WIU scholarship balance of $3,000 for three $1,000 scholarships for the fall of 2019.  Applications must be made this April.
Finance Report
Chuck Hvala
·      Chuck presented a 2018 Cash Flow Report on the house. We had a positive cash flow for the year. He also reported the current balances for our three accounts (checking, remodeling, and investment).

House Report
Terry Austin ‘69

·       1580 Riverview is now zoned to be a fraternity house
·       Brother Brad Thompson was contacted for local assistance but did not respond
·       A water heater failed and was replaced with an existing water heater, saving money
·       The house is in good shape
·       Current resident leases end May 31
·       We have 20 brothers signed to leases with some paperwork needing correction
·       Brothers leasing have chosen the rooms they want
·       Terry will modify the leases to improve them
·       Active Jake Gustavson moved into the house to serve as “Keeper of the   Castle.” He will serve as eyes and ears in the house this semester.


Four bids on furniture were received. Terry recommends the vendor “New England.”

The board agreed that room deposits will be $350 for all rooms, double or single.

The active chapter will collect   $25 per brother per month for those not living in the house. It is called “house dues.” The active chapter will present one check monthly to the alumni board.

The selection of furniture vendor will depend in large part to how much funds we raise for the house.

It was recommended that we provide another announcement regarding the house for publication in The Rattle.

Active chapter president Ryan Green will canvas the actives. He will find out if any plan to attend summer school this year. It would be nice to have brothers in the house and have some rent income this summer.


       John Bokum '72

·       John asked that each board member choose 10 to 20 brothers to contact for contributions.
·       John distributed a script to use for talking to brothers about making contributions.
·       Ralph Hinkle showed a video to use in promoting contributions.
Fund raising begins in February.


Training for Actives
Connor recommended we fund training for our active president at the AFLV conference.
We approved spending $500 to send active president Ryan Green to the AFLV training.
We have three board positions up for election.

·       Vic Caricato
·       Seat vacated by Bill Kotzum
·       Seat vacated by Dennis O’Connell
Vic indicated he will run for reelection.

Past Active Chapter President Jake Batusich is slated for a vacant seat.

Connor and Jake Batusich will make a recommendation for the other open seat. At that time we will approach the alumni to vote via SurveyMonkey.

House Liaisons
The team of Bob Schumaker, Jake Winters, and Terry Austin signed up 20 actives to populate the house in August.
Next Meeting
TBD, in April in Macomb 
End of Minutes
Meeting adjourned 3:05 PM