Officers: President: Connor Bostedt ’16;
Vice-President: Vic Caricato ’78;
Secretary: Orin Rehorst ‘73;
Treasurer: Chuck Hvala ‘73
Board: Connor Bostedt ’16; Vic Caricato ’78; Chuck Hvala ’73; Ed Kelly ’72; Randy Moore ‘13; Dennis O’Connell ’78; Orin Rehorst ‘73; Tom Stern ’72; and Jake Winters ‘15
Alumni Present: Connor Bostedt ’16; Vic Caricato ’78, John Bokum '72, Tom Stern ’72; Terry Austin '69, Jake Winters ’15, Bob Schumaker 74; Orin Rehorst ‘73
Alumni Present via Teleconference: Chuck Hvala ’73, Jake Batusich '19
- The meeting was called to order by Orin Rehorst at 12:04 pm.
- The minutes from the April 13 board meeting were read and approved.
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Presidents Report
by Orin Rehorst |
Conner Bostedt stepped down as board president due to heavy career requirements. Orin Rehorst will serve as interim president until after the elections this October.
Many thanks to Connor for his service. Years ago he had a dream for a house. Conner made that dream come true. Thanks, Connor!
Scholarship report
by Vic Caricato |
- There will be one scholarship awarded in the amount of $1000 this coming school year. This is less than we normally give, but necessary due to the unknowns involved in purchasing the house.
- At least 7 active chapter members have applied for the scholarship.
- The main contact people in the scholarship office were laid off. We don't know who the new contacts will be yet.
- The plan is to restore funding to three or more $1000 scholarships awarded each year as soon as possible.
Finance Report
by Chuck Hvala |
- Enough money was moved from the general account to the housing account to cover summer expenses. There is currently no income being generated by the house until the active members move in this August.
House Report
by Terry Austin |
- Terry brought some of his guys to the house in Macomb to do some inspecting to help get a better quote from the contractors.
- Demolition is nearly completed.
- There were some complications with plumbing.
- Terry has been trying to get in touch with Macomb about some of the rules they have for fraternity homes.
- All required permits have been issued.
- Furniture will be ordered in about a week from a company called Savoy.
- Room assignments have been made for the following year.
- Actives who do not live in the house will pay a $25 parlor fee, since they too will spend a lot of their time in the house common areas.
- The actives made arrangements for internet and cable. No new wiring is needed.
- The dimensions for the letters that will go on the house are 32 by 58 inches.
- Vic Caricato is working on having the new and the old fraternity crest printed in 3D. These will be put on display in the house.
- Bob Schumaker had an idea for a street sign using a type of tin. This is an affordable option to display that the house is a Theta Chi home.
- New quotes will be coming soon now that we know all that we know. The quote was about $67,000.
- Some new plumbing will need to be installed for the common room bathroom.
- About a month has passed with no response from Macomb officials.
- To reduce costs, actives volunteered to put the furniture together.
- Actives will move in on August 14.
- Letters will be ordered at a later time.
Fundraising by John Bokum |
- So far the fundraising campaign has brought in a little over $46,000. The goal is to bring in $85,000. This is about 54% of our goal. We hope more brothers will consider donating. Every contribution helps, even if it's just $100.
- Out of 125 brothers who committed to donating, only 90 have sent in funds.
- The board may send out letters to parents asking for donations.
- All of these donations will help with funding construction projects for the house, purchasing furniture for the house, and any unknown costs associated with buying a new place.
Social Gathering on August 17 by Vic Caricato |
- There will be a social gathering at the Kane County Cougars stadium August 17th.
- Parking will be an additional $6 for general parking and $10 for VIP parking.
- The suite that has been reserved can hold up to 70 people. Tickets will be available on a first come, first served basis.
- Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks will be provided. A cash bar will be available as well.
- The gate opens at 5:30. The game starts at 6:30. There will be a concert before the game and a fireworks show after the game.
- The tickets will be $50 per person (family and significant others are invited).
- Checks should be written to the Theta Chi Alumni Association and sent to Chuck Havala. PayPal will be available for electronic payment.
Elections by Orin Rehorst |
- The nominating committee received recommendations for the following brothers to serve on the board:
Vic Caricato '78 (reelection)
Jake Batusich '19
Tim Gerrity '83
Brian Evers '16?
John Bokum '72
- There are three vacancies that need to be filled.
- General population will be allowed to run for a position if they obtain 25 signatures.
- Elections will take place in October. They will be done electronically.
- Officers are chosen by the board at a later date.
Alumni Mentor Program and Resolute Man by Jake Batusich |
- The Theta Chi International Headquarters maintains a database of alumni willing to help other alumni and active brothers. Some of the ways help can be provided include:
- resume building
- networking
- Career Advice
- Job Shadowing
- Volunteering
- Resolute Man is a national program called "eagle scouts" for Theta Chi. More information coming.
Board Member Responsibilities by Orin Rehorst | Each board member present signed and agreed to carry out the following responsibilities to the best of their abilities.
Theta Chi board member responsibilities
Board members are expected to work to improve the lives of our alumni. Here are some of the activities we agree to concentrate on.
- We will work. We will find a way to contribute. If we do not find a way, we will ask the officers for a project to work on.
- We will attend meetings. When we cannot attend a board meeting we will prearrange to teleconference for the meeting.
- We will make ourselves available. We will respond promptly to emails and texts. We will answer the phone when called. If we are absolutely not able to answer the phone, we will return the phone call as soon as possible.
- We will be active in communicating with other alumni.
- We agree that our work for Theta Chi is important. If and when we find ourselves unable to contribute, we promise to ask to step down from our officer post or committee membership. We promise to help find a replacement and assist our replacement in transitioning.
- We will regularly communicate with many we knew in school. We will also seek to establish relationships with alumni we did not know in school.
- We will make sure those we contact know we are on the board. We will work to keep them informed of what is going on with the alumni group and active chapter. We will be leaders and not be shy.
- We will ask alumni questions about what they would like to see us do. We will relay their responses to the board.
- We will seek ways to help alumni and actives in need. If ask alumni and actives if they need help. If they do, we will seek help for them. We will utilize all our resources if necessary to help them. We will work to help brothers find jobs. We intend to establish an endowment for the assistance of brothers.
Next Meeting
| TBA | |
End of Minutes
Meeting adjourned 2:23 PM
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