Saturday, April 11, 2020

Board Meeting Minutes April 4 2020

Officers: President: Orin Rehorst '73; Vice-President: Connor Bostedt ’16; Treasurer: Jake Winters ‘15; Secretary: Zak DeRoo '19

Board: Terry Austin '69, Jake Batusich '19; John Bokum '72; Connor Bostedt ’16; Vic Caricato ’78; Zak DeRoo '19; Chuck Hvala ’73; Ed Kelly ’72; Orin Rehorst ‘73; Tom Stern ’72; and Jake Winters ‘15
Alumni Present for Teleconference: all board members, active chapter 2020 president Connor Bowels, and house grad student Sam Shehata

⦁ The meeting was called to order by Orin Rehorst at 1:07 pm. 
⦁ All 11 board members attended plus Connor Bowles and Sam Shehata.  
⦁ Thanks to Jake Winters for providing the Zoom teleconferencing system. 
The next board meeting will be held when issues dictate, likely using Zoom. 
President’s Report by Orin 
⦁ Presented state of the fraternity report. Orin said he is proud of our alumni board for getting "ahead of the game" on our two big issues: very low rushing numbers for the last two semesters, and the pandemic. 
⦁ Connor Bostedt will be taking over president this year. 
⦁ Connor Bostedt is optimistic that classes will be open in the fall. 
Zak will send out an email to alumni about our new house letters and 2020 Reunion rescheduling 
Concerns about attendance and COVID-19. Connor Bostedt is a director at a hospital. Connor said the situation is very serious and likely will continue for months. 
⦁ Motion to postpone reunion  
⦁ A super majority approved the reunion be postponed until further notice 
Scholarship report 
by Vic Caricato 
⦁ Vic talked about reducing the scholarship fund to $1,000. 
⦁ Talked about maybe taking the other $1,000 to incentivize recruitment for new members. 
⦁ Tom motioned to reduce scholarship fund to $1,000.  
⦁ A super majority approved the reduction on the scholarship fund to $1,000 due to circumstances. 
Finance Report 
by Jacob Winters 
⦁ Overall financial position is in good shape for now. 
⦁ Worked out deal with insurance company to reduce down payment to 25% of total premium. 
⦁ Vanguard account is not doing well due to market decline with COVID-19. 
⦁ Scholarship check of $2,000 was sent into WIU but hasn’t been posted yet. 
House Report 
by Terry Austin 
⦁ Six brothers are currently living in house. Apartments 3 and 7 are vacant. 
⦁ Look into appealing the property taxes. 
⦁ To reduce expenses, we should turn off internet that is not being used. 
⦁ We are in the process of changing our loan to interest only payments for 6 months in order to preserve cash. 
⦁ Clothes dryer situation is getting worse. Talking with a new contractor to get driers fixed. 
⦁ Jake Winters and Terry will work on appealing to the state for lower property taxes. 
⦁ Sam will talk to actives to maybe free up some internet charges and double up on networks 
⦁ We talked of "deep cleaning" the house for the virus.
 Refinancing: John Bokum, Ed Kelly, and Terry Austin will investigate options to refinance the house to save money.  
Recruitment Team – John Bokum 
⦁ Went to Macomb and attended a chapter meeting. Gave a presentation about recruiting. Going to start using move in crew again to help gain freshman interest. Volunteer to do the WIU open house.  
⦁ Rush is the last week of August 
⦁ Nationals said 1 in 6 have students deciding to not go to school next fall.  
⦁ Plans to target school clubs such as ROTC and sports clubs.  
⦁ Lake Linda will be available for recruitment events.  
⦁ Nationals might send a field rep for help with recruitment. 
⦁ John reminded us to keep news and photos flowing to The Rattle. 
⦁ Idea: Set up rewards for brothers that recruit the most pledges. 
⦁ Send a picture of the house with new letters to The Rattle 
Active chapter president report by Connor Bowles 
⦁ Connor Bowles says old bylaw states that actives must join at least two clubs. A job counts as a club 
⦁ Actives have started giving tours for Discover Western.  
⦁ Historian is giving a bigger presence on social media 
Continue to gather names for potential new members. 
Parents of Actives 
Recommendation: send out mail about our concerns and how Theta Chi is dealing with COVID-19 to active parents.  
Connor Bostedt is drafting a letter. This will be a "Letter of Confidence" to actives' parents. We will express our concerns about the virus and explain  how Theta Chi is dealing with COVID-19.  
Recommended an appeal to the brotherhood. Please forward any composite pictures, trophies, or other fraternity belongings to the house for display. 
Suggest a letter be drafted to retrieve relics and composites. 
For the Good of the Fraternity 
Alumni Dick Ecklof '71 and John Paychek '71 made sizable contributions to our alumni fund. 
End of Minutes 
Meeting adjourned 2:23 PM