Thursday, November 18, 2021


Board Meeting November 14 2021

Results of Election:

The slate won with 75% of the votes.

Bob Schumaker '74

Chuck Hvala '73

Cole Harris 2019

Donnie Doolin 2015

Orin Rehorst '73

Ryan Green 2016

Here are your 2022-2023 board members.


Bob Schumaker '74


Chuck Hvala '73


Cole Harris 2019


Donnie Doolin 2015


Jake Batusich,19


John Bokum, 74


Orin Rehorst '73


Ryan Green 2016


Terry Austin, 69


Vic Caricato, 78


These brothers are leaving the board with expired terms.

They received framed certificates of recognition for their service.

Thank you brothers.

Connor Bostedt, 2016

Ed Kelly, ‘72

Tom Stern, ‘72

Jake Winters, 2015 has also left the board to pursue career goals. Thanks for your work as treasurer.

New Board Officers:

President: Cole Harris 2019

VP:         John Bokum ‘74

Treasurer: open

Secretary: Orin Rehorst ‘73

A motion was approved to make these brothers your officers for 2022 and 2023.

Active Chapter President Report - Michael Hunger

  • We have 5 inductees plus Terry Austin.

  • Three men are interested in pledging next semester.

  • Seven brothers will leave due to internships etc.

  • We currently have 20 brothers.

House Report - Terry Austin

  • We need accounting help now with house expenses and bookkeeping.

  • Our current grad student is a resident only and performs no contributing duties.

  • We agreed we need a document outlining what duties a grad student will perform.

  • We will ask who plans to live in the house next summer.

  • Terry listed house maintenance items completed and still outstanding.

  • We are delaying maintenance items that are not urgent.

Treasurer Position and Bookkeeping

  • We are in dire need of help in this area.

  • Calls for volunteers to assist in this area have been to no avail.

  • Vic said there is one brother who might take on the work and will contact him.

  • We planned to check out the option of contracting out this work.

Scholarship Program - Vic Caricato

  • A motion passed to form a scholarship fund program.

  • Brothers will be asked to donate $25 or more per year.

  • The fund will be kept separate from the general fund.

  • Mailings will be used to announce the fund.

  • Tom Stern offered to take charge of mailings.

  • Tom will get contact updates entered into the roster.

  • The fund received its first contribution of $500 at the meeting.

Chapter Advisory Board (CAB) - Ed Kelly

  • The CAB was created to provide oversight of the active chapter.

  • They will monitor procedures, and accuracies of carrying out their duties.

  • The CAB consists of these brothers.

    • Bob Leoni, ‘73

    • Brad Thompson, ‘86

    • Connor Bostedt, ‘16

  • The CAB is receiving training from national.

Reunion - Tom Stern

  • We planned a reunion for next summer.

  • Brother Tom Stern will lead the charge and plans to use Hawthorne’s Place.

  • We used the Hawthorne’s Place venue for past reunions.

  • We planned to set the date and get the word out in January or February.

  • It was agreed to set ticket prices to cover the entire cost of the event.

National Liaison

Brother Keith Kohlmann attended and volunteered to liaise with our national headquarters.

He lives near the headquarters and already is a known person amongst the personnel there.

Our national headquarters is in Carmel, Indiana.

Special Recognition

Brother John Bokum was recognized with a framed certificate for his tireless support of the.

He helped our fraternity at the national, state, WIU, and active chapter levels. Thank you John.

Brother Tom Stern and his wife Micki were presented with a framed certificate of recognition.

They cordially hosted many board meeting at their home.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

ΘΧ Alumni Board Meeting Minutes May 16 2021


May 16 2021 Board Meeting Minutes

Our Zoom meeting was called to order at 1:08 by Orin Rehorst sitting in for Connor Bostedt.

Presidents Report: 

  • Connor thanked Jake Winters for all he has done for the fraternity as Treasurer. Jake wants to step down and we are looking for a replacement.

  • Connor thanked Sam Shehata for his work as house dad. Sam graduated yesterday and we wish him success.

  • Connor announced our new house dad is Eiran Saucedo-Rodarte. Connor encouraged Terry Austin to contact Eiran and prepare for Eiran’s involvement.

  • Connor thanked everyone for their contributions during the pandemic period.

  • Connor would like to work with Tom Stern and Vic Caricato on a face-to-face event, likely this year. 

Active Chapter Presidents Report, Mike Hunger

  • Campus is trending to in-person and relaxed rules on event registration/number of people allowed.

  • Welcome Week leaders and Move in Crew will most likely be back, applications to come in the summer, heavily stress on participation in these for the brothers. 

  • Had to drop one from the pledge process, initiated two with one's grades pending ready to bid as soon as he gets a 2.5 grade average. 

  • Not sure how many we are losing this semester or how many are living in the house. 

  • IFC is getting a little more purposeful with their actions, but still not the best.

  • Thomas Flynn and I will be going to the national convention in late July. 

  • Rush was slow for everyone, AGR fraternity had 6, with the next best at 4 and 3, with some chapters not getting any. 

  • We got our rush shirt, tentative schedule, and business cards designed, with the rush shirt and business cards being ordered mid July.

Treasurers Report, Jake Winters

Jake said we did well this past school year. Our expenses were down and our investment money grew about 30 percent. Jake presented a detailed financial report at the end of the meeting and when our non-alumni guests left the meeting. For that information, please request a detailed financial report.

Insurance Policy Changes, John Bokum

John detailed changes we instituted successfully. They resulted in a 30% cost reduction. We will investigate another change that could bring another substantial reduction. Attendees to the national convention will bring the subject up there.


Alpha Sigma Tau sorority was banned from campus due to harassment charges. Our Active chapter VP Mike McFarland said our chapter engages in no such activities.

Chapter Advisory Board Report, Jake Batusich

Working with the members to get officially trained for the chapter advisory board. My goal is to have everyone trained by the end of July and will be fully operational by the start of the fall semester. This will give us a chance to help the chapter with internal operations and fall recruitment. We will also be able to gain points for our national chapter’s assessment in the spring semester. If anyone has any specific questions or suggestions please let me know. 

Scholarship Report, Vic Caricato

Vic reported we have $1,154 in the account and that several brothers have applied for the scholarship. Vic also mentioned that our alumni brother Mickey Price offers his own scholarship for accounting majors. If the applicant is a Theta Chi, preference goes to him. We should use this as a recruitment draw.


Motioned and passed: a Theta Chi thermal mug will be awarded to the brother who recruits an alumni board treasurer.

National Convention

Active chapter president Mike Hunger, active Thomas Flynn, John Bokum, Ed Kelly, and Orin Rehorst plan to attend this July.

Tax Return

Chuck Hvala and Jake Winters worked on the tax return. The IRS now requires a detailed return now that our assets have surpassed using the short form. They filed for an extension.


The meeting adjourned at 2:14 PM.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Theta Chi Zoom Alumni Board Meeting January 31, 2021


ΘΧ Officers: President: Connor Bostedt ’16, Vice-President: Orin Rehorst '73; Treasurer: Jake Winters ‘15; Secretary: Zak DeRoo '19 

ΘΧ Board Members: Terry Austin '69, Jake Batusich '19; John Bokum '72; Connor Bostedt ’16; Vic Caricato ’78; Zak DeRoo '19; Chuck Hvala ’73; Ed Kelly ’72; Orin Rehorst ‘73; Tom Stern ’72; and Jake Winters ‘15


ΘΧ Alumni Present for Teleconference: nine board members were present plus Dennis O'Connell '78, Cole Harris '19, Sam Shehata, Pete Heimsath '73, and Mike Hunger, active chapter president.




The meeting was called to

order by Connor Bostedt at

1:09 pm.

Brothers Pete Heimsath,

Connor Bowles, and

Sam Shehata joined us. 

Thanks to Jake Winters

for providing the Zoom

teleconferencing system.

President’s Report 

Zak DeRoo ‘19 stepped

down as board secretary.

A motion was made to make

Orin secretary. 

Motion passed to make

Orin board secretary.

A search for a new VP

will be made.

Treasurer’s Report

Jake Winters discussed

late house rents.

Some apartments owe

on electricity.

We have reduced property

taxes, mortgage payments,

and Internet reimbursements.

We agreed to handle late

rents like this. First talk to

the brother. If not paid

within two weeks,

contact their cosigners.

Chuck Hvala will assist

with yearly tax


Active Chapter President


Mike Hunger said WIU is

using a hybrid in-class and

Zoom class approach.

Some classes allow more

than 10 students in the class.

We have 19 brothers, 15

brothers in the house.

Rush has been slow campus

wide this year.

Only 10 people can meet at

a time.

IFC is relatively inactive.

Scholarship report

by Vic Caricato

No actives applied for our

scholarships last year.

A $1,000 scholarship is

available this year, $500 per

semester. April 1 is the

deadline for applying.

We urged the active chapter

to use the scholarship as a

recruiting tool.

Mike Hunger recommended

Vic Caricato and the active

chapter brother in charge of

fundraising work together.

House Report

Terry Austin said needed

repairs should be taken care

of right away. He said

recognize that lacking repairs

reduce property value.

The board approved Terry

take care of needed repairs.

Recruitment Team

Chair John Bokum
announce that Cole
Harris is new chair.

Nick Smallwood

Goal: larger presence on campus and social media.

We made a video introducing brothers

Obtained list of men not affiliated with a fraternity.

A sandwich board will be set up at the student union.

May do car wash in April with proceeds to USO.

We will reach out to Kevin Hall, our advisor for assistance in recruiting.

The recruitment committee will meet this week.

Chapter Advisory Board

Jake Batusich started work on establishing this board.

Ideally we will have one alumni support each of the active chapter officers.

Goal: get an alumni to attend a chapter meeting each month.

It’s advised recent graduates make up this board.

New Business

Mike Wagner was inducted to the Pittsburgh Steelers Hall of Fame. 

For a memorium of Harry Dell we will plant a tree on our property. Terry Austin will run with this.

A house dad for next school year needs to be lined up.

Photos and story we

submitted to The Rattle

and WIU Magazine.

For the Good of the Fraternity

Mike Wagner '71 and

Tom Kolke '72 have

serious health issues.

Please pray for them.

End of Minutes

Meeting adjourned

1:21 PM