Friday, September 30, 2022

Brother Jon Slater ‘70 Proclaimed President Emeritus




The Theta Chi / Phi Theta / Western Club Alumni Board hereby proclaims:

Brother Jon Slater ‘70 President Emeritus

We thank Jon for his leadership, vision, and accomplishments for Phi Theta, which ultimately became Theta Chi.

  • Jon had a vision of what a fraternity should be. The existing fraternities did not measure up to his mission of more than just a brotherhood but leadership development, scholarship and service. 

  • Jon was adamant against hazing in any form.

  • Jon found others who shared his perception who became the Founding Fathers. Then he recruited campus leaders to begin the membership drive.

  • Jon was the driving force to create a constitution, recruitment policies, member standards, an initiation ceremony, and housing so we function as a fraternity. He gave the members opportunities to develop their skills through committees and leadership roles as officers.

  • Jon worked hard to get acceptance by the WIU administration, fighting to prove we were worthy of being a fraternity. He led the service projects of Lake Argyle cleanup and student dorm move-in to show the administration we were an asset for Western. The grade point requirement set us apart and set a high standard.

  • Jon led us to overcome the biases and ridicule poured on us by the other fraternities. He led us in athletics to show we could compete with the other fraternities. Over time, the WIU administration and the existing fraternities believed we would make the entire Greek system better and stronger if we were admitted to the IFC. Our experiences in Phi Theta provided us a foundation for future success after graduating from Western as teachers, corporate managers, VP's, and presidents. Many of us feel our achievements are a direct result of Jon's leadership. Friendships that began in Phi Theta have endured all these years.

Jon, your legacy is that Theta Chi is now the best fraternity at Western. New members of Theta Chi will forever know who was the driving force in creating this fraternity.

Cole Harris, President                                         Date: September 29, 2022

Monday, June 27, 2022

Theta Chi Reunion August 27


Saturday, August 27 Time: 11 AM to 5 PM 


Hawthorne's Backyard 

1200 W Hawthorne Ln 

West Chicago, IL 60185

Theta Chi Reunion

Come join your brothers and their families for good food and camaraderie. 

Adults $35 ($40 at the door) 

Children 12 and under $10 

Children 3 and under free

Theta Chi and WIU Are Back! In the last few years, we were not  able to use normal recruitment  methods. Please contribute to  rebuild our house fund.

Sign Up Information For Theta Chi Reunion August 27, 2022 Hawthorne's Backyard 

Make checks payable to:  

Alumni Association of Theta Chi Mail to: 

Tom Stern  

423 W Thomas Rd 

Wheaton IL 60187-3140 

Phone: 630-436-8288

Number of adults ___ x $35 =     _______

Number of children ___ x $12 =   _______

House fund donation:                  ________ 

                                             Total: _______

My email address is: ________________________________

Friday, April 15, 2022

Minutes of Board Meeting 4/2/2022 at House

President Cole Harris opened the meeting at 11:15 AM.
Present were Cole, VP John Bokum, and Secretary Orin Rehorst
Other board members present were Bob Schumaker, Donald "Donnie" Doolin, Ryan Green, Terry Austin, and Vic Caricato.

Attendees numbered 25 and we recited the Theta Chi Creed. See link below to review our creed.

Four brothers were recognized.

Mike Hunger, active chapter president, was chosen IFC President of the Year. He also did a great job with recruiting, signing up the largest pledge class of fraternities this Spring, six pledges. Mike also negotiated to get a brother for house dad next semester rather than the typical stranger.

Terry Austin, our house manager supreme, was chosen Businessman of the Year by the Quincy Chamber of Commerce.

John Bokum, VP and wizard of Theta Chi, for his extensive contacts within and without the fraternity. These include contacts at WIU and our national fraternity. He also lowered our property tax by half, reduced our mortgage interest rate by one percent, but also just reduced our house insurance by half. Thanks wizard John. He was presented with a magic wand.

Bob Schumaker has made numerous items around the house including benches and a platform. He has also supported many of the active chapter activities. For example, he provided brats for a chapter event.

Active Chapter Report - President Mike Hunger listed achievements pointing to improving chapter health. He expects 17 brothers to be living in the house next fall. Mike expects to see ten or more pledges next semester.

Mike and John Bokum planned the event after the meeting at Lake Linda. It was a hit with over 50 attending.

House Report - Terry Austin

New accounting system. Our new system is in place. All Phase Property Solutions is running the system, collecting rents, and paying bills.

Current money numbers. We ran a deficit last year. Money was transferred from our investment account to our banking account. The budget for the next two semesters should result in a small surplus.

Increase in house rent. A motion was made and passed 3/25/2022 to raise the house rent rates to $420 per month for double occupancy and $520 per month for single occupancy.

Finance. Bob Eden offered to help out with quick books if it's online. Nate Fleck will look at becoming alumni board treasurer.

House Insurance - John Bokum A motion to suspend our house liability insurance with Holmes Murphy for one year passed on 3/25/2022.

Non-Theta Chi Housing Proposal - John Bokum

A motion to allow non-Theta Chi’s to rent units in the house was defeated.

Scholarship Program - Vic Caricato

Vic will pursue reducing the 3.2 GPA requirement for scholarship eligibility.

Alumni Corp Recognition Application - Cole Harris listed the benefits of getting the recognition from National. We will complete the application.

Fundraiser for house

We will likely use an online donation system. The goal is to raise $20,000 for the house. Terry Austin that it may take $10,000 to repair unit 1.

Reunion this summer - Tom Stern

August 27, Saturday was chosen for the reunion.

11 AM to 5 PM.

Hawthorne's Backyard

1200 W Hawthorne Ln, West Chicago, IL 60185

Adults $35

Children 12 and under $10

Children 3 and under free

Save the date.

— End of Minutes —

Theta Chi Creed

Monday, March 14, 2022

3/14/2022 Zoom Board Meeting Minutes

Attendees: Cole Harris, President, John Bokum, VP, Orin Rehorst, Secretary, board members Vic Caricato, Terry Austin, and Chuck Hvala, and Active Chapter President Mike Hunger.

A motion was made and pasted to raise the house rent rates to $425 per month for double occupancy and $540 per month for single occupancy.

A motion was made and pasted to approve the following three resolutions.

Resolution:  “The Alumni Board authorizes Cole Harris’ mailing address as the principal mailing address with Vanguard.”


Resolution: “Alumni Association Board hereby appoints and authorizes Cole Harris and John B. Bokum Jr. as authorized signatories on our Vanguard Accounts: 0033/ 88006973166. “


Resolution: “The Alumni Association Board hereby appoints and authorizes Charles Hvala as the board member to have electronic access to the Boards investment accounts, 0033/ 88006973166. This authorization includes read access and to adjust investment account balances pursuant to board approval.”

Mike Hunger mentioned that national promotes having two alumni reunions per year, one in the Spring, one in the Fall.

--end of meeting--


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Board Meeting Minutes - Zoom Meeting March 6, 2022

President Cole Harris opened the meeting at 1:05 PM 

Active Chapter Report - Nick Pyznarski, VP Active Chapter

  • State of the active chapter

    • We have 6 solid pledges this Spring

    • 5 pledges will likely live in the house next Fall

    • 1 pledge wants to be an RA

    • The chapter is soliciting restaurants to fund scholarships

    • Waiting on lease contracts for fall. (We alumni will provide them shortly.)

  • Event at Lake Linda

    • Reminder: April 2 Board Meeting in the house at 11 AM. Social at Lake Linda afterwards.

    • A bus to Lake Linda is being chartered

House Report - Terry Austin

  • New accounting system

    • The system will auto-alert brothers who are late on rent

    • Terry recommends one rate for all room arrangements

    • The board agreed to have a new rate agreed to by 3/15

  • Current money numbers

    • Terry reported we are running a serious deficit 

    • We currently have 7 brothers living in the house

    • By Fall we should have 16 brothers living in the house

  • Increase in house rent

    • We planned another Zoom meeting Monday next at 7 PM to hammer out the rent increase

Investment Account - Chuck Hvala

  • Chuck said we need to have the Vanguard account names updated. It looks like that will be president Cole and VP John. Chuck will have read-only access to assist temporarily in analyzing the account.


Scholarship Program - Vic Caricato


  • Vic recommends issuing a fundraising letter to the alumni

  • Vic would like to have a separate account for scholarships


Fundraiser for house

  • Since there is a shortfall in income versus spending, a fundraiser was proposed.


Insurance - John Bokum

  • John and Terry would like the insurance premium to be divided into smalller more frequent amounts to make payment easier


Reunion this summer

  • This topic to be discussed March 14


     — End of Minutes —