Attendees: Cole Harris, President, John Bokum, VP, Orin Rehorst, Secretary, board members Vic Caricato, Terry Austin, and Chuck Hvala, and Active Chapter President Mike Hunger.
A motion was made and pasted to raise the house rent rates to $425 per month for double occupancy and $540 per month for single occupancy.
A motion was made and pasted to approve the following three resolutions.
Resolution: “The Alumni Board authorizes Cole Harris’ mailing address as the principal mailing address with Vanguard.”
Resolution: “Alumni Association Board hereby appoints and authorizes Cole Harris and John B. Bokum Jr. as authorized signatories on our Vanguard Accounts: 0033/ 88006973166. “
Resolution: “The Alumni Association Board hereby appoints and authorizes Charles Hvala as the board member to have electronic access to the Boards investment accounts, 0033/ 88006973166. This authorization includes read access and to adjust investment account balances pursuant to board approval.”
Mike Hunger mentioned that national promotes having two alumni reunions per year, one in the Spring, one in the Fall.
--end of meeting--